To expand compost infrastructure across the US
Photo: Onondaga County Resource Recovery Authority, Courtesy of US Composting Council.
Our Mission
The U.S. Composting Infrastructure Coalition brings together a vital cross section of the US organics recycling community, associations working on sustainable materials, and other stakeholders to support innovative and responsible waste reduction and recovery solutions like composting.
We need your help!
Urge your congresspersons and senators to support the COMPOST ACT
Take Action
Photo: US Composting Council
Compost Defined– is the product manufactured through the controlled aerobic, biological decomposition of biodegradable materials. The product has undergone mesophilic (medium) and thermophilic (high) temperatures, which significantly reduces the viability of pathogens and weed seeds, and stabilizes the carbon such that it is beneficial to plant growth. - Association of American Plant & Food Control Officials

“Fertility of the soil is the future of civilization.”
— Sir Albert Howard
Join the movement
Sign up to be a supporter of federal compost funding. Your advocacy of Congressional and Administration measures to advance composting can sequester carbon, build healthy soils and create green jobs.